
Showing posts from January, 2018

Web-110 Introduction

Well here we are again. I am happy to be back and already stressed. My name is Justin, I am 37 and back in school. I build and remodel homes in the Wake county area and have decided that no, I do not want to build things forever, shocked huh? I decided last year that I wanted to study web developement so I cut my work load and dove in. Since then my work load has increased and I am so busy I have forgotten what a vacation looks like. All said to say I think my passion is sleep. Can we use that? Maybe no. Ok. If sleep is not on the list then I would have to go with art. Yes I know, a 37 year old constuction worker, web dev student is into art? I am. I have been an artist as far as I can remember. I will never be know as a great artist but I am rather competent. I love oil on canvas and black and white portraits, it may be the only thing in the world that can capture my full attention for unlimited periods of time. I used to sketch until I could not hold a pencil any longer. It has a